Monday, 3 October 2011


I had been thinking about closing this blog. I have been discouraged, wondering if there is any point in keeping it. I have also been wondering about my motives in keeping this blog. Is it because I want people to "notice" me? Do I want their accolades? Or do I really want to encourage those "out there", if that is possible?

I checked my blog today, after quite a long time of ignoring it, with the intention of closing it down and then this Scripture came to mind -

...And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:1

So I thought...Let me give it some more time. It is too easy to give up, at least for me it is. Our walk with Christ is all about perseverance and not giving up. I think sometimes persevering with seemingly unimportant things in our lives is part of the discipline of following the Lord. 

So I hope that in persevering with this blog, whether it is read by others or not, it will help me in my very wobbly walk with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus.

P.S. How funny...after I first published this post I saw that the Scipture in the sidebar was Hebrews 12:2!!

A picture...because I do not like to post a blog without a picture if I can help it :)


  1. I've gotten discouraged with my blog too, but decide to keep posting. I love reminising, so if anything it will nice to look back on entries and remember :c) Love the picture too

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, Shannon! I will keep blogging :)
