Tuesday, 20 December 2011

No Matter What...

I always wonder why it is so easy to believe what people, the world says and not what Scripture says. Well, maybe not for others, but I have to confess that it is so for me!

The world says, "There is no God".
The world says, "It's a load of rubbish".
The world says, "You are crazy...god is just a fairy story!".
The world says, "He is just a crutch for those who are not strong enough to manage their own lives".

And so the list of what the world say goes on and on.

No matter what the world says, Scripture says...

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
   in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
   to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:10-11 (NIV) (words in bold emphasised by me)

If God does not exist, why are so many of those naysayers celebrating Christmas?

Thank you my God and Saviour for giving us such a joyous time of year!

Linking up with Shanda for On Your Heart Tuesdays


  1. I don't understand how the world cannot believe either. Yet my 21 year old son just told me he has decided there is no God. And he was brought up totally in the church, seeing Christ exemplified .... It is heartbreaking.

  2. Shanda...my heart breaks for you. None of my 4 children are following the Lord and neither does my husband. It gets pretty lonely at times! The children committed theirs lives to God when they were younger and I try to trust that He will take those commitments and bring them to fruition.
    We seem to have a couple of things in common. I was born and lived in Zimbabwe till I was 11yrs.
