Friday 9 December 2011


As I said in my previous post, written over two months ago (!), I have been discouraged about this blog. However, that is not the only thing...I have been feeling discouraged generally in my spiritual life.

There, I have said/put it into print! That is quite a scary thing for me to do.

Do you ever feel...God is just "not there"?  Do you ever feel that you do not seem to be improving in your character at all?

Well, I do. Then...little things happen and one of those for me was coming across Shanda's blog. Amongst other things she has a blog hop "On Your Heart Tuesdays", where she encourages others to share their thoughts, feelings, how God has been working in their lives. So I decided that this is the kick start I need :)

Let me back up a bit and explain that, for various reasons, I have been away from home for several months. As a result, I have not been in regular fellowship with my Bible Study group and friends.

So often, I feel guilty that I cannot keep going without the spiritual support of others, then I remembered that several times in Scripture we are exhorted to encourage each other. We are not meant to go it alone. One of the advantages of today's technology is that there are many Christian bloggers out there.

Thank you, Shanda, for being one of those encouragers out there.

 12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.  Hebrews 3:12-14


  1. OH Rachel, Thank you so much for this. For, in reality, you are the one encouraging me right. I have been going through a really rough patch lately and have been on the verge of tears all day. So, just the fact that I have encouraged you at all lifted my spirits. And...I just happened to look at this post! A God thing.
    I pray, as I write, that you are encouraged, that your heart feels God and that He reveals himself to you in a special, loving way. I pray you stay in the word, even if you don't have your regular bible study and that God meets you there. Bless you, my friend.

  2. Shanda. Sometimes God makes me laugh, and I say that in a reverent way. Here I am feeling useless and then you tell me my words have encouraged you!
    I am sorry to hear that life has been tough for you lately.I do hope that your spirits will be lifted even more and that this Christmas will be a really blessed one for you!
    Thank you for your comment.
